Ready Player One
First OFF LOVE THIS Movie so when we got the option to read the book I jumped on it. when i First saw the trailer for this movie I saw all the references and easter eggs and I just loved each and every one of them. And being a gamer myself the whole concept of VR to this extent is amazing and I hope one day we will get to that kind of reality but hopefully without the whole world looking like its going to shit and hopefully without people just replacing their everyday lives with the game and not actually going outside. So the main part of this story is taken place in THE OASIS. Takes place in the year 2045 and essentially the main character Wade is set out to find the egg but in order to get to this he has to get 3 keys. He eventually meets other players in his little journey Artemis being one of them who becomes a love interest for our character Wade. Eventually he finds everything finds the Easter Egg by finding all the keys and eventually tells artemis how feels and once he finally ...